Complete Destination Management Services in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Tibet and Maldives


Operations Office
MM Tower, Floor 3, Udyog Vihar Phase 4, Sector 18,
Gurugram, Haryana – 122002, India,
Location –

Corporate Office

Creative Travel Pvt. Ltd.
Creative Plaza, 283 Udyog Vihar Phase 2,
Gurugram, Haryana – 122016, India
Tel: +91-124 4567777
Email: engage [at] creative [dot] travel

Registered office
Creative Travel Pvt. Ltd.
Creative Plaza, Nanakpura,
Moti Bagh, New Delhi 110021.


Creative Travel Nepal (CTN)
Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +977-1 4486412, 4486413
Email: nepal [at] creative [dot] travel

Sri Lanka

Creative Travel Sri Lanka
Tel: +94 11 2334554
Email: srilanka [at] creative [dot] travel

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    Sales & Marketing Offices

    Creative Travel has network of sales teams around the world to assist you in your region. Specialists are available to assist you with information on leisure travel, special interest trips, corporate, meetings & incentive travel and wildlife products. For details please visit

    Creative Travel is proud to be the member of India and the region for euromic, the association of the world’s most celebrated Destination Management Companies. Founded in 1973, euromic is a non-profit member owned marketing network focussed on the corporate groups, meetings and special interest markets. Membership is limited to one DMC per country and members can only join by invitation. We now have 51 countries with hundreds of destinations. Average age of our DMC organisations is 30 years, 67% are women owned and we have 26 SITE Crystal awards in the network. It has never charged commissions and is governed by a board of active and experienced DMC owners and hands-on professionals. They bring decades of industry experience to guide the association, and the goal they work to is to ensure the success of your experience.
    Read more at for details of offices in different parts of the world. . An RFP tool is also available.


    For leisure products

    E: usa [at] creative [dot] travel

    Vivian Chambers
    vchambers [at] muse-collection [dot] com
    M: +1 561 353 7069

    Jesse Lepow
    jesse [at] muse-collection [dot] com
    M: +1 757 613 0615

    Josh Fields
    jfields [at] muse-collection [dot] com
    M: +1 818 521 7469

    Creative Travel / The Muse Collections
    245 East 72nd Street, 11th Floor
    New York, NY 10021

    for Incentive & Meetings Services

    Colleen Abernethy
    M: +1 (952)649-1781
    O: +1 (952)929-9552
    E: colleen [at] platinumdmc [dot] com

    Brad Williams
    M: +1 (612) 721-7948
    brad [at] platinumdmc [dot] com

    Creative Travel / Platinum DMC
    6125 Chowen Ave. S.| Edina, MN 55410

    for all travel products

    Sidney Alonso
    E: salonso [at] agbrands [dot] com [dot] br

    Jeverson Zanini
    E: jzanini [at] agbrands [dot] com [dot] br
    E: saopaulo [at] creative [dot] travel
    T: +55 11 3569-0857

    Mariana Mathias
    E: mariana [at] agbrands [dot] com [dot] br
    T: +55 11 91714-8672

    Argentina, Paraguay & Uruguay
    for all travel products

    Rosina Gomes De Freitas

    Creative Travel / Avant Garde Buenos Aires
    Viamonte 1519 3rd floor office A, Argentina

    T: +54 911 5155 4937
    E: buenosaires [at] creative [dot] travel,
    E: rosina [at] agbrands [dot] com [dot] br

    for all travel products

    Isabel Fernandez

    Creative Travel / Avant Garde
    M: +57 320 7588468
    E: isabel [at] agbrands [dot] com [dot] br

    Spanish Speaking Countries
    Chile, Peru, Paraguay, Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela, Panama, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico

    for all travel products

    Christina Akemi
    Creative Travel / Avant Garde

    WhatsApp: +55 11 98572 2169
    M Chile: + 56 9 9055 0836
    E: cristina [at] agbrands [dot] com [dot] br

    M: +55 11 99384 9959
    E: spanishmarkets [at] agbrands [dot] com [dot] br


    for all travel products

    Svetlana Nesterova
    Creative Travel / Destico
    Sadovnicheskaya street, 5,
    Office 4-3
    Moscow, 115035
    T: +7 9031367939
    E:svetlana [at],
    moscow [at]

    Tatiana Pylaeva
    T: +7 9031367939
    E:  tanyapylaeva [at] destico [dot] ru

    Margarita Derkacheva
    T: +7 926 6044995
    E: margarita [at]


    Incentive & Meetings Services

    Mercedes Conde-Nieto
    Creative Travel / Destination Connections London, UK

    T: +44 7869 818 421
    E: mercedes [at] dm-connections [dot] com

    Chris Jordan
    T: +44 7858 846 653
    E: chris [at] dm-connections [dot] com

    UK & Ireland
    For all Leisure Travel Products

    Greg Young
    T:+44 (0)207 617 7404
    M:+44 (0)789 673 3190
    E: London[at]creative[dot]travel,

    Creative Travel / Fork Marketing

    for all travel products

    Eva Muminovic
    T: +49 160 97 35 46 25
    E: Eva.muminovic[at]euromic[dot]com

    Edin Muminovic
    T: +49 160 97 35 46 29
    E:  edin.muminovic[at]euromic[dot]com 

    Creative Travel / euromic DACH
    C/o Tourism Affairs

    Igelweg 2, 30900 Wedemark
    Region Hannover, Germany

    for all travel products

    Tiziana Della Serra

    Creative Travel / Rephouse
    Via Aristide Leonori, 67
    00147 – Rome

    T: +39 06 59604431
    M: +39 393 9295908
    E: tdellaserra [at] rephouse [dot] it,
    E: rome [at] creative [dot] travel,
    E: creativetravel [at] rephouse [dot] it


    South East Asia
    all MICE, Affinity Groups & Special Interest products

    Vanessa Zhao

    Creative Travel / Euromic / GlobalConneX

    331 North Bridge Road
    #22-01/06 Odeon Towers, 188720

    T: + 65 8778 5896
    M: +65 8808 7952
    E: v.zhao[at] euromic [dot] com,
    E: vanessa[at] globalconnex [dot] sg

    for all travel products

    Herman Moniaga

    PT. Jagat Oriental Tours & Travel
    Harmoni Plaza Blok L2-4,
    Jalan Suryopranoto No. 2,
    Jakarta Pusat,
    Indonesia 10130

    T: +62 216328011
    E: jakarta [at] creative [dot] travel

    for all travel products

    Gemma Vizconde Reyes

    Creative Travel / Global Gem88 Tours

    A5403 BSA TWIN TOWER Bank Drive
    Ortigas Center Mandaluyong,
    Manila Philippines

    T: + 63 2 6165486
    M: +63 917 556 4788
    E: manila [at] creative [dot] travel,
    E: globalgem88tours [at] yahoo [dot] com


    Australia & New Zealand
    for all travel products

    Tamara Kobiolke

    Creative Travel / Numinous Luxury Travel Representation

    Suite 1, The Workery,
    6 Riddel Parade, Elsternwick,
    Melbourne, 3185 Australia.

    T: +61 455 116832
    E: australia [at] creative [dot] travel ,
    E: tamara [at] numinousltr [dot] com


    South Africa
    for Incentive & Meetings Services and Leisure

    Kathy Lavery

    Creative Travel


    T: +27 11 326 4440
    M: +27 82 468 4737
    E: johannesburg [at] creative [dot] travel,
    E: k [dot] Lavery [at] euromic [dot] com